
    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    I Wayan Candra Winetra1, Gde Brahupadhya Subiksa2



                    Steganography is a technique to hide secret messages into the media cover so that their existence cannot be detected by unauthorized parties. In the digital era, steganography can be carried out on various digital media with bits that can be engineered. In this research, steganography will be carried out on digital image files that are used as cover image files or decoration images for MP3 version 2 and above (ID3v2 Tag).  The steganography method used in this research is modifying the LSB (least significant bit) of the RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) value of digital images to hide the bits of the digital messages so it does not interfere with the quality of the image that used as a cover. From the research, it can be concluded that steganography on MP3 cover image files can be carried out well on BMP and PNG images, where the quality of the cover image does not experience a significant decrease. The secret messages can be hidden in the cover image, without disturbing or decreasing the quality of audio from the MP3 files because only the cover image was modified.

    Keyword: Steganography, LSB, mp3 files, ID3v2 Tag, Cover image / Image Decoration

    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    I Made Budiada1, I Gusti Ketut Abasana2, I G. Wahyu A.K.3, I Nym. Sugiarta4



    In a global era like today, the use of electrical energy is undeniable, almost every work done is related to electricity. In order to ensure the distribution of electrical energy remains in a reliable condition, a good system is needed to support the distribution of electricity. Maintenance work and countermeasures of disturbances in the power distribution network are among the factors that must be carried out to ensure the quality and continuity of the distribution of electrical energy from power providers to load centers. With the demands of this task, every unit under the auspices of PT. PLN (Persero), especially the Java-Bali area, is required to have a good work system design in serving customers, a planned distribution network maintenance work program and fast disruption management. To achieve the demands of such a heavy task, almost all units carry out work management on the power grid consistently, but in its implementation is not balanced with attention to effectiveness, comfort, safety and work efficiency. This condition does not only occur in Bali or Indonesia, but also in developed countries so more serious attention is needed to improve conditions like this by implementing good work management. For this reason, corrective action is needed, including through improving work methods in improving conditions and ways of working that are able to build a safe, comfortable, healthy, effective and efficient work culture to increase work productivity, so that the welfare and quality of life of workers increases.

    Keywords: improvement of work methods and productivity

  • Tinjauan Aplikasi Algoritma Meta-Heuristic sebagai Pendekatan Artificial Intelligence untuk Penyelesaian Economic Dispatch Pembangkitan Tenaga Listrik
    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    M Wiryana1, IP Sutawinaya2, IK Suryawan3, IN Sukarma4


    Abstract These paper aims to review the application of AI to resolve economic dispatch of power system that is not linear, non-convex and has high complexity. A meta-heuristic algorithm which includes an algorithm with an AI approach, is expected to be a solution for the completion of ED optimization. Several  meta-heuristic algorithm variants  that work single alone or a combination of several algorithms (multiple algorithms) have been tested and can solve complex ED optimization problems.

    Keywords: artificial intelligence, meta heuristic, economic dispatch, power system.

    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    I Made Komala Nata1, Maya Utami Dewi2, Putu Gde Sukarata3


    Abstract The systems in the hotel engineering section are very diverse, starting from administrative and operational systems. Of the various types of systems, the administrative system for creating work orders until the work order is completed is highlighted in this research. A work order is a message or order for work within an institution, department or company in the form of a written document to the implementer of maintenance activities for completion. Work Orders are created to help with planning and scheduling work. Creating and publishing a work order will be the start of carrying out all activities related to a job. In line with technological developments, the process of creating Work Orders is created in an application system to simplify the performance of each staff. As we all know, we have now entered the digital era, where we can carry out all activities in a very fast, sophisticated and easy way in all fields, by using website technology and mobile apps it is hoped that this can be a solution in supporting work effectiveness. a company, the author is very interested in conducting research with the title: "Sara Application System Analysis at Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua". The data collection methods used were Observation, Interview and Literature Study methods. At the Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel, using the SARA work order application really helps make work easier. Because the working system is very easy to operate and the data produced or processed by the application is very easy to read and makes it easier for managers to plan maintenance and repairs for goods and buildings. By using digital-based applications, all work can be monitored anywhere and at any time without having to sit in the office reading lots of paper files to look for the data needed.

    Keywords: Engineering Department, Work Order, Aplikasi Sara

    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    I Gede Made Budi Prasetiawan1, I Wayan Teresna2


    Abstract – In the world of hospitality there are several departments that support in providing services to satisfy tourists or guests who come to stay at the hotel, this will certainly have a good impact on increasing the rating (rating) of the hotel so that it becomes a star hotel, and can be better known because of its service. which really satisfy guests, this of course also has an impact on revenue or income in a hotel so that it can organize and manage hotel management. One of the departments that is the heart of the hotel and supports the running of the hotel in providing service satisfaction and maintaining hotel facilities so that guests are more comfortable in the hotel is the Engineering Department. However, the functions and duties of the Engineering department are very complex and have a busy work schedule, so that with the constraints and work constraints that have occurred so far, the departmentEngineering must implement an effective management system to optimize the role of the adminEngineering at the Hotel Hilton Bali Resort Nusa Dua.

     Keywords: Admin Engineering, impact, Villa

    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    I Made Adi Gunartha1, I Wayan Suasnawa2


    Abstract As technology develops, people are still interested in radio, so a radio station must create quality broadcast programs, one way is by improving the quality of audio editing in broadcast programs. With the development of technology today, radio stations can use software to support the quality of audio editing, namely Digital Audio Editing Software. With this software, we can perfect any audio content, including radio broadcast programs at LPP RRI Denpasar. This program is packaged in a fun and informative way so that it requires editors to make interesting edits, which of course requires the important role of editing software. The aim of this research is to find out how the application of Audacity and Adobe Audition software compares in improving the quality of audio editing in broadcast programs at LPP RRI Denpasar. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods and data collection through interviews and documentation. The results of this research show that Audacity and Adobe Audition have several comparisons or differences in features with each other. Editing software plays a very important role in improving the quality of audio editing in broadcast programs at LPP RRI Denpasar

    Keywords: Implementation, Audacity, Adobe Audition, Audio Editing.

  • Sistem Monitoring Suhu dan Kelembaban dengan DHT11 Berbasis Arduino Pada Laboratorium Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Bali
    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    I Ketut Parti 1, I Made Purbhawa2, I Nengah Suparta3, Ni Wayan Ramnini4, I Nyoman Mudiana5


    Abstract -Laboratory equipment is equipment that is very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity around it, especially the Jimbaran hill area which has high temperature and humidity. Temperature and humidity are factors that affect the resistance of electronic devices, laboratories where a large increase in temperature and humidity can cause damage to components that are unable to withstand high temperatures and humidity due to the use of electronic devices that are very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, including oscilloscope, audio system, function generator module, multimeter, computer, and other equipment in the room. Caring for these electronic devices requires an air conditioner (fan). The fan will work continuously to keep the room temperature normal which will have an impact on increasing the use of electric power. To overcome these conditions, for the maintenance of laboratory equipment, the temperature is maintained at 24 oC and 67% humidity to a temperature of 30 oC with 88% humidity.

    Keywords: Temperature, Control, Humidity, Arduino uno ,based

  • Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Kinerja Program Studi Berdasarkan Kriteria Kerjasama, Mahasiswa, Keuangan, dan Sarana Prasarana Menggunakan Framework CodeIgniter
    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    I Ketut Parti1, I Made Purbhawa2, I Nengah Suparta3


    The Informatics Management study program at the Bali State Polytechnic carries out accreditation as an assessment process of the feasibility and capacity of implementing the tridharma program in higher education. Criteria for Collaboration, Students and Finance, Facilities and Infrastructure are the 3 parts of the criteria in the LKPS. In managing the Study Program Performance Report (LKPS), there are still problems. An information system is needed that can manage data for accreditation purposes. The system development method used when designing and building a system is a waterfall and goes through several design stages including Flowmap design, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Unified Modeling Language (UML) which includes Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and designing interface systems. The design carried out produces an Accreditation Instrument Information System for Study Program Collaboration Criteria, Students and Finance, Facilities and Infrastructure which can assist the LKPS drafting committee in managing data for accreditation needs which is built using the PHP and Javascript programming languages ​​with the Codeigniter and Vue.js frameworks with a MySQL database.

    Keywords: Accreditation Instrument, Study Program, LKPS, Codeigniter Framework

  • Analisis Keandalan Jaringan Distribusi Ring Sistem Penyulang Ubud dan Penyulang Nyuh Kuning dengan Beroperasinya LBS Café Jerry di PT PLN (Persero) ULP Gianyar
    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    I Wayan Sudiartha1*, I Ketut TA2, I Nyoman Sugiarta3 dan I Nyoman Mudiana4



    The most basic problem in electric power distribution is network reliability. The reliability of the network must be improved so that the continuity of the distribution of electrical energy is maintained. Therefore, PT PLN (Persero) ULP Gianyar seeks to improve the reliability of the electricity distribution system by creating a ring system between the Ubud feeder and the Nyuh Kuning feeder by installing an LBS named LBS Café Jerry. In this final project, the reliability index of SAIDI and SAIFI is calculated. Based on the disturbances that occurred before and after the ring system, the SAIDI and SAIFI values at the Ubud feeder were 0,382 minutes/customer and 0,008 times/customer and 0,276 minutes/customer and 0,003 times/customer with a reduction of 27,749% and 62,5%, respectively. Meanwhile, in Nyuh Kuning feeder it was 5,102 minutes/customer and 0,049 times/customer and 1,156 minutes/customer and 0,015times/customer with a reduction of 77,342% and 69,387%, respectively. Based on the maintenance that occurred before and after the ring system, the SAIDI and SAIFI values at the Ubud feeder were 1,168 minutes/customer and 0,0094 times/customer and 1,8475 minutes/customer and 0,0104 times/customer with a reduction of -58,176% and -10,638%. Meanwhile, in Nyuh Kuning feeder 0,918 minutes/customer and 0,0051 times/customer and 1,2297 minutes/customer and 0,0075 times/customer with a reduction of -33,954% and -47,059%. The impact of the operation of LBS Café Jerry that has occurred in reducing blackouts based on faults in Ubud feeder decreased by 71,8980%. Based on the maintenance in Ubud Feeder, it decreased by 87,1473% and in Nyuh Kuning Feeder it decreased by 75,8997%.

     Keywords: Ring System, SAIDI, SAIFI

  • Simulasi Alat Pengendali Cahaya Penerangan Lampu Dengan Arduino Uno dan Driver Transistor
    Vol 1 No 1 (2023)

    IG Suputra Widharma1, I N Sunaya2, ING Sangka3, IM Sajayasa4

    ( 1 - 6 )

    Abstrak Dalam artikel ilmiah ini dirancang simulasi system control berbasiskan arduino untuk mengendalikan cahaya lampu yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan remote. Pada simulasi ini aliran daya ke lampu diatur sehingga akan mampu mengatur juga intensitas cahaya lampu yang terpancarkan. Lampu LED DC yang bekerja pada tegangan DC dapat dikontrol dengan menggunakan rangkaian elektronik transistor sebagai saklar. Proses pengaturan sudut picu dikendalikan dengan memanfaatkan arduino. Sistem ini terdiri dari 3 bagian utama yaitu: remote sebagai pengirim sinyal input, Arduino sebagai pusat pengendali data input dari remote untuk mengendalikan lampu yang terhubung, dan rangkaian transistor saklar sebagai pengirim sinyal luaran ke lampu. Simulasi ini menggunakan 2 buah lampu LED yang dilakukan dengan cara menekan remote yang hanya menggunakan 4 buah tombol pada remote tersebut. Tombol 1 untuk menyalakan lampu 1, tombol 2 untuk menyalakan lampu 2, tombol 3 untuk meredupkan cahaya lampu 1, serta tombol 4 untuk meredupkan cahaya lampu 2. Untuk jarak pengontrolan dengan menggunakan remote berfungsi dengan baik pada jarak hingga 20 meter di dalam Gedung.

     Kata kunci: Sistem kontrol, Arduino, Cahaya Lampu, Remote

    Vol 1 No 1 (2023)

    Yogi Ardana1, IGS Widharma2, PG Sukarata3

    ( 7 - 14 )

    Abstrak - Restoan New Bendesa Cafe dalam segi pendataan, pemesanan, dan laporan masih dilakukan secara manual. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan dalam segi pendataan, pemesanan, dan laporan maka diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi yang dapat membantu dalam permasalahan yang ada. Sistem ini dibangun melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu analisa sistem berjalan, analisa data, analisa desain sistem, implementasi, dan pengujian sistem. Sistem ini digunakan pada perangkat komputer dan mobile melalui website, serta sistem ini dikembangkan menggunakan framework CodeIgniter. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan sistem ini adalah PHP, JavaScript, dan menggunakan MySQL sebagai database. Hasil dari sistem yang dikembangkan ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai laporan tugas akhir dan dapat menjadi sistem Informasi penjualan restoran di restoran new bendesa cafe.

    Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Penjualan, Website

    Vol 1 No 1 (2023)

    Amarry Krisna1, PG Sukarata2, IM Purbawa3

    ( 15 - 22 )

    Abstrak - Perpustakaan SDK St. M. Immaculata Tabanan yang bertempat di Jalan Diponegoro No. 9 Tabanan ini belum memiliki sistem untuk menangani proses transaksi dimana proses transaksi masih dilakukan secara manual, dan pengelolaan buku yang masih menggunakan pencatatan manual. Sistem ini dibangun melalui beberapa tahap perancangan yaitu: perancangan Flowmap Diagram, Unified Modeling Languange (UML), yang meliputi Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, perancangan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), perancangan antarmuka input dan antarmuka output. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework CodeIgniter, sehingga dihasilkan sistem informasi berbasis web yang dapat menangani proses pengelolaan data buku, transaksi, dan report.

    Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Perpustakaan, Web

  • Implementasi Quality Function Deployment Dalam Perancangan dan Pengembangan Mesin Giling Tebu
    Vol 1 No 1 (2023)

    AAM Dewi Anggreni1, IG Suputra Widharma2, PG Sukarata3

    ( 23 - 29)

    Abstrak Metode dari Quality Function Deployment (QFD) ini digunakan dalam rangka menangkap keinginan pelanggan, kemudian mengkonversikannya ke dalam strategi yang tepat serta produk dan proses yang dibutuhkan. Harapan-harapan dari  pelanggan diterjemahkan  kedalam kebutuhan-kebutuhan  yang spesifik menjadi arah perencanaan strategi dan tindakan teknik. Tindakan-tindakan teknik yang dilakukan dalam Quality Function Deployment (QFD) meliputi  empat  proses utama,  yaitu  product  planning, design  planning, process planning dan production planning.  Dilanjutkan dengan Perhitungan Tingkat Kepentingan (Kebutuhan) Konsumen dengan metode QFD. Metode penyusunan dan penyelidikan menyeluruh dari seperangkat hubungan dalam kompleks masalah multi-dimensi non-kuantitatif yang tak terpisahkan. Produk adalah sesuatu yang dapat ditawarkan kedalam pasar untuk diperhatikan, dimiliki, dipakai, atau dikonsumsi sehingga dapat memuaskan keinginan dan kebutuhan. Produk merupakan sesuatu yang dibuat untuk menjalankan fungsinya, yakni memberikan kemudahan dan atau menggantikan tugas manusia. perancangan produk bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk yang berkualitas serta dapat memenuhi keinginan dari konsumen, sehingga produk yang diluncurkan ke pasaran bisa  diterima  dan  mampu  bersaing  dengan  kompetitor  yang  ada.  Dimensi  kualitas merupakan  salah satu  kerangka  pengembangan  produk  yang  bisa digunakan  sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan kualitas dari produk pertanian tersebut.

     Kata kunci: QFD, Perancangan, Pengembangan, Mesin Giling Tebu

  • Analisis Penerapan Morfology Concept pada Perancangan dan Pengembangan Traktor Sawah
    Vol 1 No 1 (2023)

    IGPR Purnama Putra1, Ngurah Hartawan2, Evan Diputra3 dan IGS Widharma4

    ( 30 - 35 )

    Abstrak Metode penyusunan dan penyelidikan menyeluruh dari seperangkat hubungan dalam kompleks masalah multi-dimensi non-kuantitatif yang tak terpisahkan. Konsep morfologi ini merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam pemecahan masalah dengan menggunakan penilaian secara kualitatif, dan dapat membantu penyelesaian setiap permasalahan baik yang sifatnya sosial maupun teknis. Metode morfologi merupakan metode yang dapat menemukan banyak alternatif konsep produk, metode yang sistematik dan menggunakan prosedur yang mudah diikuti. Dilanjutkan dengan Perancangan Peta Morfologi. Sesuatu yang dapat ditawarkan kedalam pasar untuk diperhatikan, dimiliki, dipakai, atau dikonsumsi sehingga dapat memuaskan keinginan dan kebutuhan. Setelah beberapa kali menggunakan traktor yang baru di beli, beberapa petani mengeluhkan pegal di bagian bahu dan tangan, setelah melakukan pengecekan terhadap unit traktor, ditemukan kondisi tersebut. Pengembangan produk ini merupakan sesuatu yang dibuat untuk menjalankan fungsinya, yakni memberikan kemudahan dan atau menggantikan tugas manusia. Konsep produk bisa direpresentasikan dalam bentuk sketsa, diagram alir, catatan teks, dan sebagainya yang suatu saat bisa dikembangkan atau dibuat menjadi produk nyata.

     Kata kunci: Morfology, Perancangan, Pengembangan, Traktor Sawah

  • Treatment Oli Trafo Terhadap Peningkatan Tegangan Tembus Pada Trafo Distribusi KA 1451 Di Penyulang Banteng
    Vol 1 No 1 (2023)

    Apridika Putra Suadi1, IGS Widharma2, IM Budiada2, IK TA4

    ( 36 - 42 )

    Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Trafo Distribusi KA 1451 di Penyulang Banteng. Apabila tegangan tembus lebih kecil dari standart uji yang diijinkan bisa mengakibatkan timbulnya flash over antar live part atau live part dengan body atau ground, penaikan temperatur kerja trafo, ataupun terjadi short circuit. Penurunan tegangan tembus ini bisa disebabkan oleh karena trafo beroperasi dalam keadaan berbeban maksimum secara terus menerus. Untuk menjaga mutu oli trafo tersebut,perlu dilakukan tindakan preventive dengan melakukan perawatan oli minimal sekali dalam setahun. Proses treatment oli bertujuan untuk meningkatkan tahanan isolasinya, membersihkan, mengurangi kadar air, serta untuk mengurangi biaya.  Pelaksanakan treatment trafo gardu distribusi KA 1451 sudah sesuai dengan SOP Pemeliharaan Gardu Distribusi. Berdasarkan hasil dari 6 kali test tegangan tembus minyak trafo yang dilakukan sebelum treatment adalah maksimal 20,1 KV. Setelah proses treatment, tegangan tembus minyak trafo menjadi 54,7 KV, sesuai dengan standar yang diharapkan (>30 KV / 2,5 mm). Dengan dilakukannya treatment trafo, disamping menaikan tegangan tembus, juga akan berpengaruh pada meningkatnya unjuk kerja trafo, optimalisasi pengoperasian trafo serta dapat memperpanjang usia trafo.

     Kata kunci: Treatment, Trafo, Tegangan Tembus, Penyulang

  • Analisis Pengaruh Over Current Relay dan Ground Fault Relay terhadap Arus Gangguan Hubung Singkat dengan Matlab
    Vol 1 No 1 (2023)

    IN Sunaya1, IGS Widharma2*, IGP Arka3, IK Darminta4

    ( 43 - 49 )

    Abstrak Gangguan hubung singkat fasa ke tanah dan fasa-fasa merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang mungkin timbul dalam pengoperasian penyulang 20 kV. Gangguan yang disebabkan oleh adanya hubung singkatmenimbulkan banyak kerugian, kerugian pada sistem transmisi kelistrikan maupun kerugian di pihak konsumenenergi listrik. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi gangguan ini adalah dengan cara memasang peralatan pengaman pada transformator. Relai arus lebih merupakan relai proteksi yang bekerja dengan pemutus tenaga (Circuit Breaker). Matlab dijadikan alat bantu analisis besarnya pengaruh pemasangan OCR dan GFR pada penyulang. Gangguan hubung singkat fasa ke tanah dan fasa-fasa menimbulkan arus gangguan hubung singkat yang besarnya melebihi seting arus pada relai arus lebih, sehingga relai arus lebih memicu pemutus tenaga bekerja sesuai dengan setting waktu yang diterapkan, sehingga risiko kerusakan pada sistem kelistrikan dapat dihindar

     Kata kunci: relai arus lebih, setting relai, hubung singkat